Monday, 10 September 2012

Terminator 3

 Termanator 3 is the only Termanator movie I have ever seen so far which goes to show that you don't really have to watch them in order. The lead actors are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahil, Claire Danes and Kristanna Logen. The movie was actually first realeasted on July 3rd 2003.

I think this is a really good movie for people in to sci fi and action. Basically abouta person called Jhon Connor who's being hunted by robots from the future because he leads the resistane in the future against the robots. In this 3rd movie an advanced Terminator (on the right of the picture) is hunting Jhon Connor and the other terminator (on the left) was captured from the assembally line by the resistance in the future and was sent back to protect Jhon Connor. Overall I think this movie is a good movie for people who like alot action and explosions.


  1. I haven't read it yet but I'm sure its great

  2. Liam, you need to have more followers...

  3. That means you need more to but now your being dumb and getting more because I'm doing this reply
